Forest garden - alternative to lawn in the shadow place

In many gardens of Palanga city the task to maintain beautiful lawn is like a Sisyphean labor. It is due to endless shadows of trees, their remains, sandy soil and competition of roots. The gardener of one hotel in Palanga narrated that she has to rake fallen leaves and other debris from the lawn 3-4 times per week in summertime and when autumn comes - every single day. In addition, the lawn also has to be mowed, watered, fertilized, aerated and sowed again wherever damaged. 

These situations perfectly illustrate the fact that has been acknowledged in advanced countries when landscape is considered - lawn is not sustainable solution. It has even been called “green asphalt”. Lawn doesn’t create any biodiversity. Sleek “tennis court” grass is unattractive environment neither for invertebrates, neither for insects or small mammals.

“Prerijų sodai” created a perfect alternative - a “forest garden” in one of the summerhouses of Palanga. Although arrays of old firs, pines, thujas and birches surrounding the building create shelter from strangers and boiling sun, they also became an obstacle to enjoy a perfect lawn and no concerns. Instead, “Prerijų sodai” planted perrenials which imitate the flora of forest. 

All selected species love shady places and are adjusted to grow in poor soil. Moreover, most of those species spread through progeny of roots. In this way, whole “green carpet” develops eventually. So it is likely that after 2 years the result would be amazing. It requires several hours of maintenance per year. Dead plants‘ parts above the ground need to be cut in late autumn or early spring. Trees‘ debris serve as mulch and natural fertilizer. Regular mowing, watering, fertilize could be forget forever. 

Total planted 11 perennial species that can grow in the local climate conditions. This ensures longevity, decorativeness all year round, the diversity of shapes, colours, the changes coursed of the season, illuminant of the day, etc.

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